Zion Hall Mission

What is an Interdenominational church? Interdenominational churches base themselves on a belief that the Body of Christ is interdenominational. We believe that despite our individual preferences and sometimes our tendency to categorise and label, the invitation and promises of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is of prime importance and apply to all.
Interdenominational churches tend to incorporate the strengths of a number of denominations. They tend to be autonomous entities and do not ascribe to any denominational structure for leadership or accountability although some churches join in associations or fellowships of like minded churches. The terms nondenominational and interdenominational are closely linked and are often used interchangeably. Another term sometimes used to classify such churches is Free Church.
One of the strengths of interdenominational churches is that they are free to focus on the central issues of the gospel and the needs of a local congregation without the constraints of governing bodies. This allows for varying interpretations and traditions that do not detract from the central mission of glorifying God and reaching people.
All of us
So whether you are already a Christian or simply searching for a deeper Truth, why come to Zion Hall Mission? Well put simply, we have good news to share:
None of us of ourselves are right with God but through Jesus we can gain righteousness. We can never tire of learning and reflecting on this truth and pray that it may be constantly be our experience.
None of us worship God as well as we should, but through meeting we have the opportunity to encourage each other in the worship of the Lord. We pray that as we meet as a fellowship we may help each other to worship 'in Spirit and Truth' .
None of our lives are totally as God would have us live but through the Bible we can gain knowledge of how we should relate to God and one another. We pray that we may learn more about God and His plan for us and put that learning into practice as we grow in the strength and knowledge of the Lord.